The Cub was recently in with the engineers for a 50 hour inspection…

…so it was time to break out the RV6 and get airborne on a rather soggy day. We flew northeast from Perth and found a patch where the sun was trying to peek through:

Montrose Harbour:

After turning at Montrose I spotted this grass airstrip which I had never seen before. They are everywhere if you just look for them…

The patch of sunlight hadn’t moved too far when we passed it again:

Back towards the airfield, there was quite a bit of low cloud around:

Blairgowrie is under all that cloud…

A quick look at Blairgowrie and Rosemount Golf Club before heading back to base to land:

The next day, the Cub went from this:

To this:

So it was time to put some fuel in and go for a gentle cruise around the Perthshire countryside on a nice sunny day

The thing about the Cub is that unless you have a plan to actually get somewhere, it is very easy to just potter around the countryside using those huge windows to inspect anything interesting on the ground. Here’s the Skydemon trace of the flight:

We tootled around at about 1000ft looking at shapes and colours on the ground, occasionally circling back to get a better angle for a photograph. Here are some of the better ones:

Lovely autumn colours in the low sun:

The northern limit of our travels that day. Dunkeld – it’s only about 10 miles from Perth Airport:

The bridge over the River Tay at Caputh, taken on our way back towards the airfield:

On landing I had an email from the engineers with an invoice attached. As I like to say in justification – “It’s all part of being custodian of a piece of history.”
And it is worth it.