Even over the winter I have tried to fly the aircraft at least once a week to keep everything warmed up and exercised. Landing the Cub in some of the winds we have had has been “interesting” – sometimes feeling a bit like this Cub at Dala-Järna in Sweden:

Of course there have been some days when it has been impossible…

And some nice days. On the days with the winter showers around it has usually been windy (see above)…

But the clear still days after a dump of snow are lovely. Here’s a helicopter picture just to prove that there is some work in amongst all the play. We are parked at the Glen Clova Hotel for a forestry accident:

It was one of those clear calm mornings after an overnight snowfall when I dragged the Cub out for a flight. The snow wasn’t too thick on the grass:

…and thin enough to be perfectly safe on the taxiway and runway. We just taxied a little slower than normal just in case:

Once airborne we made our way to our favourite bridge and river confluence at Kinclaven:

Looking down the Tay towards Perth the snowy landscape really highlighted the route of the old disused railway line:

The whole of Perthshire had been hit by the overnight dusting of snow:

Insert standard “low winter sun makes for good photographs” here. Reflections and shadows and clear air and lovely countryside:

Note we were flying around with the window open. It makes the photographs a little better and it wasn’t really too cold, although I did have my trouser bottoms tucked into my socks to reduce the drafts up my legs:

Back to base for a portrait in the snow. And a refuel before the price of Avgas went up. Again.

Winter Cubbing. The only thing better is Summer Cubbing. Can’t wait!